Aggressive Driving Accidents Lawyer in Austin, TX

Aggressive driving is becoming a major concern on the road for drivers, which is leading to dangerous scenarios from the safety aspect. Aggressive drivers most of the time become an issue in traffic and are the most notorious ones leading to car accidents. Now you might be thinking about what exactly is aggressive driving. So, let’s have a look here.

Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving is the kind of driving that is triggered depending on your or other driver’s mood, reactions, and ability to cope with the stress on-and-off the road. This can be caused by traffic congestion, increasingly long commutes, and the behavior of other drivers driving around your vehicle. The behavior of aggressive driving includes:

  • Speeding
  • Tailgating
  • Honking
  • Not obeying traffic rules
  • Unsafe and erratic lane changes
  • Ignoring signals from other drivers
  • Running red lights
  • Failure in yielding the right of way
  • Passing illegally

Injuries Due to Aggressive Driving

The accidents caused by aggressive driving lead to injuries on those body parts that are usually affected in automobile accidents. The injuries also depend on the severity of the accident. However, the most common injuries are injuries on the chest area and cervical spine. The injuries also depend on where the passenger is sitting in the vehicle.

In most cases, drivers are more prone to the injuries like fractured wrists, thoracic, cervical injuries, and facial trauma. The passenger next to the driver is more likely to suffer from knee injuries due to a direct collision with the dashboard. This may also lead to cervical injury.

If we summarize the complete analysis of injuries based on the body parts, the following injuries are recorded broadly.

  • Cervical Spine: Whiplash
  • Lower Limbs: Knee Injuries
  • Upper Limbs: Wrist Fractures
  • Head Injury: Concussion

The Law Office of Matthew Shrum

If you are someone who has been injured in a car accident caused by speeding or got engaged in any sort of aggressive driving, it is very essential to consult a knowledgeable car accident attorney. Experienced personal injury lawyers at The Law Office of Matthew Shrum have successfully handled thousands of cases involving car accidents.

With the goal of helping in getting fair compensation to the victims of aggressive driving, our firm thoroughly evaluates the facts as well as evidence and works with the investigators in establishing another driver’s aggressive behavior. To get fair compensation based on the damage caused to you, get in touch with us today as there are certain deadlines set to file an automobile accident claim.

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Are you looking for a Aggressive Driving Accident Lawyer in Texas?

Mr. Shrum is a highly respected attorney who’s dealt with thousands of cases in and around Travis County. If you are in need of an attorney to help you face this unexpected situation think of Matthew’s Shrum Law Office.

If you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence or if you yourself have been charged with a crime, you need diligent legal defense. Choose The Law Office Of Matthew Shrum to partner with a trial attorney in Austin who’ll work vigorously to defend your rights at each stage of the legal process.

Aggressive driving is the kind of driving that is triggered depending on your or other driver’s mood, reactions, and ability to cope with the stress on-and-off the road. It can be caused by traffic congestion, increasingly long commutes, and the behavior of other drivers driving around your vehicle.

Drivers are more prone to injuries such as fractured wrists, thoracic, cervical injuries, and facial trauma. The passenger next to the driver is more likely to suffer from knee injuries due to a direct collision with the dashboard. This may also lead to cervical injury.

If you are injured in a car accident caused by speeding or aggressive driving consult a knowledgeable car accident attorney. Experienced personal injury lawyers at The Law Office of Matthew Shrum have successfully handled thousands of cases involving car accidents.