Lane Changing Accidents Lawyer in Austin, TX

Changing lanes dangerously is among the major causes of auto accidents in the US today. From high speeds to blind spots, there are a lot of factors contributing to the driver going for lane changing. This is why before deciding to change the lane, the driver should thoroughly ensure his safety first and then should take the move. Countless accidents have happened in the past because of the negligence of the driver while changing lanes dangerously. If you have been injured in a car accident, give our car accident attorney a call today.

Causes of Lane Changing Accidents

The NHTSA has reported that around 9% of auto accidents occur every year because of lane changing. These kinds of accidents are often catastrophic and that is so because the other vehicle involved in the crash is caught off-guard and is left in a very vulnerable position. In such scenarios, victims are not able to react immediately to avoid the crash.

The major causes of the driver leading to lane changing dangerously are as follows:

  • Not looking properly before lane changing
  • Distracted driving including usage of cell phone
  • Driver fatigue
  • Bad weather conditions leading to the impaired vision of the driver


Changing lanes is specifically dangerous while you are on the highway. Because on highways the speed of the vehicles involved is very high, which further leads to an increase in the damage and injuries caused. This is why when driving on highways, the driver must exercise extreme caution before switching the lanes if needed. One should accurately assess if it is safe to change and move to a different lane.

Avoiding Lane Changing Accidents

While lane changing leads to some serious collisions, it is always preventable. Taking some basic precautions like giving signals before changing lanes, changing one lane at a time, not changing lanes at intersections, and maintaining the current speed while changing the lanes. Taking these basic precautions before changing the lanes can save you and others from serious damages and injuries.

The Law Office of Matthew Shrum

If you or your loved one has been by any chance gotten involved with lance changing accident, get in touch with The Law Office of Matthew Shrum today. We have the necessary knowledge, experience, and compassion to seek the maximum compensation from the faulty driver that you and other people involved deserve. These accidents leave a major impact on the lives of the people involved. We understand that and our attorney helps you in getting your rights in the smoothest way possible. Our experienced injury attorneys are here to help.

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Are you looking for a Lane Changing Accidents Lawyer in Texas?

Mr. Shrum is a highly respected attorney who’s dealt with thousands of cases in and around Travis County. If you are in need of an attorney to help you face this unexpected situation think of Matthew’s Shrum Law Office.

If you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence or if you yourself have been charged with a crime, you need diligent legal defense. Choose The Law Office Of Matthew Shrum to partner with a trial attorney in Austin who’ll work vigorously to defend your rights at each stage of the legal process.

The NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), has reported that 9% of auto accidents occur every year because of lane changing. These accidents are often catastrophic because of the speed of the cars and the other driver involved in the crash is caught off-guard.

Not looking properly before lane changing, cell phone use, driver fatigue, and severe weather conditions leading to the impaired vision of the driver.

Contact the Law Office of Matthew Shrum as soon as possible. We have the necessary knowledge, experience, and compassion to seek the maximum compensation from the faulty driver that you and other people involved deserve.

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