States in the USA often yearly assess their fair share in traffic accidents. Texas is the worst every year; since 7th November 2000, Texas report traffic accidents almost daily. Most of the accidents that happen are serious to the victims involved.
There are different reasons for accidents across the states; Texas law enforcers and lawmakers’ agencies are finding ways to decrease car accidents and deaths. However, victims need to know what action they can take to demand compensation and justice.
When a negligent person causes an accident, the victims can file a personal injury claim against the person at fault or their insurance company. It is essential to contact an experienced lawyer in such a situation.
What You Need to Know About Texas Crash Statistics
Car accidents are common on Texas roads. Statistics from the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) report that car accidents are minor while others are fatal. Below are statements from TxDOT on car statistics in Texas.
- Texas roads had a fatality rate of 1.37 deaths/ hundred million miles traveled by vehicles in 2017. This was a decrease since in 2016 there was a rate of 2.14 fatalities/hundred million.
- The death cases are decreasing since, in 2017, Texas reported 3727 deaths which is a decrease of about 4% compared to 2016.
- There were 14,282 severe crashes on the roads in 2017, 17,535 people in the impacts were seriously injured.
- 52% of the fatal accidents happen in Texas rural areas, which is about 1,952 deaths.
- In 2017, single-vehicle accidents were prevalent. These accidents made around 35% of all crashes (1,311deaths).
- Seven hundred sixty-three people dead in 2017 due to crashes that happen at an intersection or related to a corner.
- In 2017, 553 people died due to head-on crashes.
- 40% of the crash victims were not wearing a seating belt in 2017.
- In Texas, one person is injured almost every two minutes, and one person is killed every two 1/2minutes on the roads.
Common Causes of Fatal Crashes in Texas
Some factors cause car accidents in Texas. When a driver engages in these factors and causes an accident, the victims can report the negligent driver and their insurance company. They are:-
- Distracted driving: In 2017, Texas reported that texting while driving is illegal. Well, that does not stop drivers from this behavior. Other common distractions are grooming, eating, other passengers, and loud music.
- Drunk driving: driving while drunk has caused many deaths on Texas roads.
- Drugged driving: Texas has not legalized the use of marijuana, but still drivers used cannabis and other drugs while going. Also, some prescribed medications cause a person to be liable for an accident.
- Road rage: when drivers get upset with others on the road, they act irrationally, leading to fatal accidents.
- Reckless driving: Few reckless driving types are speeding, following too close, inconsistently changing lanes, leading to severe accidents.
- Ignoring traffic signs and signals: traffic signs and signals are essential since they direct drivers on what to do, but not all drivers follow or pay attention.
The Law Office of Matthew Shrum
The Law Office of Matthew Shrum is here if you’ve been injured in a car accident. Contact our dedicated car accident attorney today so see what we can do for you!